KHAS Finance Webinars – Dr. Yassine Bakkar
The guest of the Finance Webinars series organized by Kadir Has University International Trade and Finance Department is Dr. Yassine Bakkar from Queen’s University Belfast, UK on December 21, Tuesday.
The webinar will be in English.
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 17.00 (GMT+3)
Title: Borrower- and lender-based macroprudential policies: what works best against bank systemic risk?
Zoom Meeting ID: 845 5995 1200
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84559951200
Abstract: This talk investigates the complementarity between the different macroprudential policies to contain the systemic risk bank. We use a newly updated version of the IMF survey on Global Macroprudential Policy Instruments (GMPI). By disentangling the aggregate macroprudential policy index, we assess the complementarity between borrower-oriented and lender-oriented tools in reducing bank systemic risks arising from intra-financial system vulnerabilities. We furthermore investigate the effect of boom-bust cycles on such a relationship by analyzing the financial upturns and downturns. Our results obtained using a sample of listed banks across a large sample of OECD countries for the 2001–2013 period bear critical policy implications for implementing optimal macroprudential tools. They also provide insights into the trade-off between financial vis-à-vis price stability.
About the speaker: Dr. Yassine Bakkar is Assistant Professor of Finance at Queen’s University Belfast, UK. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Limoges, France. Dr. Yassine’s fields of specialization are financial economics, empirical banking, financial intermediation, and corporate finance, focusing on financial stability. His research experience includes business engagement across a range of industry sectors. He is also involved in several research collaborations and institutional projects.